Sara Bassano
Born in 1994
Sara is originally from Tübingen where she also completed her bachelor’s degree in media sciences and English language and literature. Throughout her studies she gained practical experience by working in a communication and marketing agency.
After she finished her degree, her desire for the mountains made her move to Munich. She is part of the KGK team since September 2019.
Ever since her early childhood she has always been enjoying the nature. Hiking, bouldering, cross country skiing, ski touring, snowboard, etc. – She is a sports allrounder, though her biggest passion is mountainbiking. For Sara, riding her bike means forgetting about everything around her and enjoying the flow.
At KGK she is responsible for CRAFT and evil eye.
Kontakt: +49 (0)89 – 30 76 66-45, onffnab@x-t-x.pbz